AUDITIONS 21-04-2018During the Orange Grove auditions we had at least 42 artists who showed some interest in auditioning on Dancing; Hip Hop Songs; RnB Songs; Cultural Activities and Songs; Ballade Dances; Poems; Tswana Dances etc. It was a well attended event. The majority of the artists were performers. Given that this is the strongest mode of creative expression this will influence the creative workshops/prototype development and a potential theatre style production in the park.
Participants were invited to attend a 2 day workshop to map the space/produce small models in Paterson Park
The City of Johannesburg, The Johannesburg Development Agency and #ArtMyJozi present a collaborative exhibition and performance by resident Orange Grove Artists – ‘’The Birds of the Grove”. Presented at Spark Gallery and the Orchards Project, the performance represents the culmination of themes and project outcomes intended for implementation in Paterson and Short Road Parks – bringing to life local legends of the Paterson Park up-grade area. This event will embrace the place-making through art narrative along the Louis Botha Development Corridor.
Since engaging artists and community members in Orange Grove and Norwood over the past year, The #ArtMyJozi program has encountered a significant network of performers, designers, poets and visual artists, all of whom have an interest in how public spaces can perform better in terms of artistic practices.
In order to extract community based design, local resident and theatre director Myer Taub was engaged (in conjunction with the performer’s network) to design a performance piece inspired by the Paterson Park upgrade and the greater area.
The method of production design for the performance piece served simultaneously as narrative and design – thinking, towards a range of artistic outcomes for the park such as; mural artworks, furniture, sculpture and environmental installations.
The exhibition and performance, taking place over 3 nights – 22-24 June, gave the surrounding residents and greater #ArtMyJozi network the opportunity to review and assess the various prototypes and works in progress.